
Freezing in NH

So I am constantly cold, I am not sure what the deal is with that, but I am. No matter how many layers I put on.   

So Jonothan and I are planning our trip back to D-Town, and at the top of our list of things to do are eating at places that NH doesn't have. So far on the list is Le Madeline, Freebirds, Sonic, Bubba's, Napoli's, Lonesome Dove....and more I am not sure. However I am certain that the majority of the money of our trip will be spent on food, but I don't really mind.

We are thinking of going away for a weekend, to maybe spend it @ a B&B in vermont or Maine. We always say that we are going to do it, but we never do- LOL. This month has been hectic because Jonothan has been working on the weekend, so we have to wait until the project @ work finishes before we can actually make definite plans to go anywhere. I think the only place we may go is the road trip to Dallas! 



Good news world! Jonothan and I will be headed back to Dallas, TX for the Christmas holiday. We haven't been back since December of 2007, so this is really exciting. Meeting up with old friends, seeing Bagel and Sugar [I guess- but that's mostly for Jonothan], going to some favorite restaurants.

I am hoping that this year we will be able to go to the Polyphonic Spree Christmas show if they are having one. But we will have to see about that.

We are super excited that we are going to be spending time with the family.

In other not so mind blowing news, Jonothan has been working late recently, which leaves me a lot of time by myself. During which I am thinking of things to cook. This past Saturday I made bread, gnocchi, beignets, gumbo and a coulis [which I guess is like a fruit sauce]. He was a happy camper for the weekend, and for the early part of this week. So I am trying to find more recipes that I would like to attempt, if anyone has any ideas feel free to share.



I hate being sick. Jonothan was sick last week, and now this week I now have it. I am a giant baby when I am sick, which makes me lucky because Jonothan doesn't mind babying me when I am sick [probably because I don't get really sick very often]. Fingers crossed that I am recovered by Saturday night!



So the in-laws just left, and we are tired. They had a pretty busy vacation week. Vermont, the Whites, Canada and Boston. It was a lot to pack into 10 days. The next post is definitely going to be TV related, I just need to find the time to sit down and right it.


Dreams Do Come True....

This is my [or 'our'] new car!! I traded Bessie Mae [ a 1998 Toyota Camry]  for a 2008 Volvo XC90. I have been dreaming about this car for 2 years. I was not actually expecting to get one.

In other news of our world. We were finally able to have dinner with Clint [ a coworker of Jonothan's] and his wife Amber.  We met for dinner on Friday, then went back to their place to hang out. We had such a good time that we invited them over on Saturday for dinner and to play some Wii games. Good times all around. They made some delicious apple pie and a cherry pie and brought it over for dessert. 

Jonothan's parents are due this week, so that is exciting. I am not sure what the plans are so far, but I know we will be having fun. Its always nice to have family come for a visit- just a little taste of home. 

Dream items [in no specific order]:
1. Babies
2. House
3. KitchenAid Stand Mixer
4. Volvo XC90
5. a Dog

2/5 is not bad! We are working on #1 so hopefully that will happen soon, but fun part is trying right? Up top! LOL I am so lame. :) 

I am lucky enough to have the most important things though, a husband who loves and puts up with me :) [ I do the same with him], and family both by blood and now by marriage who are awesome. Since being in NH I have made a great friend who is one of the most amazing people I have ever known.   

All those items I listed above are all icing on the cake that I already have. So for that I am grateful and appreciate anything else that I get.  


Its raining.....what a shock.

So today I am recovering from our anniversary dinner, [which technically was August 18th]. I tried Escargot, and I have to be honest it is now on my list of things not to try again. Jonothan asked me how I could eat sushi or oysters but not snail - I told him that I wouldn't run into a piece of sushi or an oyster in a garden. LOL That and they were the largest snails I have ever seen. The whole point of the episode was that I tried something new.

As you can tell from my post title it is raining here [although its not men] :). This summer could be characterized as the summer of rain. So basically this year 2/4 seasons have been really wet. The only thing NH has going for it is summer and fall, and the weather is messing up summer.

Since its raining here, I think the plans are for us to have a cozy day at home - Killing nazi's. You can thank Call of Duty 4 World at War. 

So I think for dinner tonight we are either going to have lamb chops with potato soup or lamb curry with rice. I can't make up my mind, however I am leaning towards the lamb curry so we will see. 


Being an Island....

"All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated...As therefore the bell that rings to a sermon, calls not upon the preacher only, but upon the congregation to come: so this bell calls us all: but how much more me, who am brought so near the door by this sickness....No man is an island, entire of itself...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."
                                         ---- John Dunne, Meditation XVII

This might seem like a strange quote to start a post with, but at this early hour or late I suppose depending on your point of view, it seems oddly apt. Tonight I spoke on Facebook with someone who I hadn't talked to in a while. We met in college, and become friends, but as life happens, we didn't really keep in touch. However tonight for some reason I felt compelled to talk to her. 

Turns out she is in a similar situation that I was in 2 years ago. We both moved away from our families to places that we didn't know anyone, only to have our husbands be our only actual continuous face to face contact. At the time I was like everybody has someone else besides their spouse, and I spent the better part of a year feeling sorry for myself. Now she is in a similar position of being lonely, [granted I do not know the specifics] but what I realized is that we aren't all that different, we go through the same experiences, maybe at different times, but at the core we are all the same, wondering about jobs, relationships, babies.